Saturday , July 27 2024

Discover New Trails and Connect with Fellow Adventurers with ViewTrail App

Overview of ViewTrail App Features

ViewTrail app features

ViewTrail is an app designed to help hikers, backpackers, and mountain bikers plan their trips, check their progress, and share their experiences with others. Here are some of the key features of this app.

1. Trip Planning

Trip planning

ViewTrail allows users to plan their trips by creating custom routes from scratch or by choosing from a variety of pre-made trails. Users can add waypoints, such as campsites, water sources, or scenic viewpoints, which can help them stay on track and avoid getting lost.

Besides planning routes, users can also specify the equipment they are bringing on a trip, such as tents, sleeping bags, stoves, and water filters. This information can help them estimate the weight and space they need to pack, as well as the potential risks and challenges they might encounter along the way.

Users can also check the weather forecast for their trip location, which can help them prepare for the temperature, precipitation, wind, and visibility conditions that they might face. Furthermore, users can invite friends or family members to join their trip and share the itinerary with them, so that they can stay in touch and coordinate logistics.

1.1. Custom Route Creator

Custom route creator

The custom route creator in ViewTrail is a powerful tool that allows users to draw their own path on the map and add waypoints as needed. Users can choose from satellite, terrain, or street views to visualize their route and see the topography, landmarks, and trails in the area. They can also use the measuring tool to calculate the distance, elevation gain, and time needed for each section of the route.

Once the route is created, users can save it to their account, name it, and assign it a difficulty level, such as easy, moderate, or difficult. They can also add notes or comments to the route, such as where to find reliable water sources, whether there are any hazards or obstacles on the way, or which campsites have the best views.

Users can edit their routes at any time, either by adding or removing waypoints, changing the names or descriptions of the waypoints, or altering the difficulty rating. They can also duplicate or delete routes, as well as share them with other users or export them as printable PDF files for offline use.

1.2. Trail Library

Trail library

If users prefer to choose from pre-made trails, ViewTrail has a built-in library of popular hikes, backpacking routes, and mountain bike rides from around the world. Users can search for trails based on location, distance, difficulty, elevation, or popularity, and view detailed descriptions, photos, and reviews from other users.

Users can also filter the trails by category, such as day hikes, overnight trips, dog-friendly trails, or family-friendly trails. They can save their favorite trails to their account, rate and review the trails they have done, and share their experiences on social media.

1.3. Equipment Checklist

Equipment checklist

Before heading out on a trip, it’s important to make sure you have all the necessary gear and supplies. ViewTrail provides users with an equipment checklist that covers the essential items for hiking, backpacking, and mountain biking. Users can check off the items they already have and add the items they need to buy or rent.

The checklist is customizable, so users can add or remove items based on their personal preferences or the requirements of their trip. They can also designate certain items as optional or as seasonal, depending on the time of year and the weather conditions.

1.4. Weather Forecast

Weather forecast

Knowing what the weather will be like on your trip can be crucial for making the right gear and safety decisions. ViewTrail provides users with a 7-day weather forecast for their trip location, which includes temperature, precipitation, wind, and humidity levels.

The weather forecast is updated regularly based on the latest data from weather stations and satellites, so users can have confidence that the information is accurate and reliable. Users can also view historical weather data for their location, such as the average temperature and precipitation for a given month or season.

1.5. Social Sharing

Social sharing

ViewTrail allows users to share their trip information and experiences with others on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They can post photos, comments, and ratings of their trips, as well as invite their friends to follow their adventures.

Users can also discover new trails and trips from other users’ profiles, search for hashtags or keywords related to their interests, and connect with like-minded outdoor enthusiasts from around the world. This social sharing feature can not only inspire users to plan new trips, but also create a sense of community and support among outdoor enthusiasts of all levels.

Overall, ViewTrail is a comprehensive and user-friendly app that offers a wide range of features for planning, tracking, and sharing outdoor trips. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced adventurer, ViewTrail can help you discover new trails, optimize your gear and preparation, and connect with a global community of outdoor enthusiasts.

How ViewTrail app can enhance your outdoor activities

hiking with viewtrail

ViewTrail app is a fantastic tool that can help you get the most out of your outdoor activities. Whether you’re hiking, biking, or running, ViewTrail provides a range of features and benefits that can help you plan, track, and enjoy your adventures in new and exciting ways. Here are some of the ways that ViewTrail can enhance your outdoor activities:

1. Discover new routes and trails

viewtrail map

One of the most significant benefits of using ViewTrail is that it allows you to discover new trails and routes that you may not have known about before. The app provides detailed maps and trail information, which can help you find the perfect trail for your skill level and interests. Whether you’re looking for a challenging hike or a leisurely bike ride, ViewTrail has a variety of options to choose from to help expand your horizons and invigorate your love for outdoor activities.

2. Track your progress

viewtrail tracking

ViewTrail also has a tracking feature that allows you to monitor your progress as you move. This can be incredibly helpful for those who are training for an endurance event or trying to build up their fitness level. By tracking your distance, time, and route, you can measure your progress and set new goals to challenge yourself. The app also allows you to track your heart rate and calorie expenditure, giving you a comprehensive view of your physical performance.

3. Share your experiences

viewtrail sharing

ViewTrail provides a social sharing feature that allows you to share your experiences with friends and family. Whether you want to show off your latest hike or bike ride or simply keep your loved ones updated about your outdoor activities, this feature is incredibly useful. You can share your progress and photos on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, making it easy to stay connected and build a community of fellow outdoor enthusiasts.

4. Find nearby amenities

viewtrail nearby amenities

ViewTrail also makes it easy to locate nearby amenities like restrooms, water fountains, and parking areas. This can be extremely helpful for those who are new to a particular trail or area. By providing information about nearby facilities, ViewTrail can help you plan your route and make the most of your outdoor activities without any hassle. Whether you’re on a short hike or a long bike ride, this feature can make your journey more comfortable and enjoyable.

5. Stay safe and prepared

viewtrail safety and emergency

ViewTrail also provides safety and emergency information, giving you peace of mind as you explore the great outdoors. You can access weather reports, trail warnings, and emergency contact information, ensuring that you’re prepared for any situation. Additionally, ViewTrail has a “check-in” feature that allows you to let your loved ones know that you’re safe and well, even if you’re out of cell service range.

Overall, using ViewTrail app can significantly enhance your outdoor activities. Whether you’re an experienced adventurer or a casual traveler, ViewTrail provides a range of features and benefits that can help you make the most of your journey. From discovering new routes and trails to staying safe and prepared, ViewTrail has everything you need to experience the great outdoors in new and exciting ways.

Step-by-step guide on using ViewTrail App

ViewTrail App

ViewTrail is a user-friendly app that provides a unique experience for tracking locations, sharing pictures and videos, and building your travel history. The app provides a simple interface that allows you to navigate easily without any struggle. With ViewTrail, you can create a travelogue to save memories of your trips, mark favorite spots to return to, or share with friends and loved ones. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use the ViewTrail app.

Step 1: Download and Install the App

ViewTrail App Download

The first thing you need to do is download and install the ViewTrail app from either the App Store or Google Play Store. Once the app is downloaded, open it and sign up. You will need to provide your name, email, username, and password to create your account. You can also sign up using your Facebook or Google account, which is a quicker process. Once you have entered the necessary details, click on the “Sign Up” button.

Step 2: Create Your First Trail

Create a Trail

Create your first trail by clicking the “Create Trail” button on the home screen. You will be prompted to enter a name and description for your trail. Afterward, you can choose a cover photo for the trail. The app allows you to select one from your library or take a new photo. You can also choose to share your trail with friends by tapping the “Share With Friends” button. Once your trail is created, you can add locations to your trail.

Step 3: Add Locations to Your Trail

Add Location

One of the best features of ViewTrail is its ability to allow you to add locations to your trail. To add a location, click on the “+” button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen under “Locations”. The app will prompt you to enter the details of the location, including its name, description, and address. You can also add photos, videos, and notes to the location. The app also allows you to set the privacy of your location and choose who can view it. Once you have entered all the necessary information, click on the “Save” button to add the location to your trail. You can add as many locations as you want.

Step 4: Record Memories of Your Trail

Record Memory

ViewTrail allows you to record memories and share them with friends and loved ones. To record a memory, tap on the “+” button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen under “Memories”. You will be prompted to take a photo or record a video. You can also add a title, description, and hashtags to the photo or video. Once the memory has been recorded, you can choose to share it with friends and followers or save it privately for yourself. You can also add memories to a specific location to keep all your memories organized.

Step 5: Explore Your Trail on the Map

Explore your trail

ViewTrail allows you to explore your trail on a map. To explore your trail, tap on the “Map” button on the home screen. From there, you can see all the locations on your trail, including photos, videos, and notes associated with each location. You can also see other trails created by ViewTrail users around the world. The map feature allows you to search for locations, zoom in and out, and get directions to each location on your trail.

ViewTrail is a fantastic app; it allows you to create, share, and explore trails, all in one app. Its user-friendly interface makes it simple and easy to use. With ViewTrail, you can record your memories, share them with your friends and followers, and explore the world around you. Follow this step-by-step guide for using ViewTrail, and create your trails today!

User reviews and feedback on ViewTrail app

User reviews and feedback on ViewTrail app

ViewTrail app is a premier application that enables users to plan their travel itinerary, including flights, hotels, and activities. The app is easy to use and offers a broad range of features, making it an excellent tool for planning a trip. Here are some user reviews and feedback on the ViewTrail app.

Positive Reviews

Most of the users who have used the ViewTrail app are satisfied with the services it provides. The app has received numerous positive reviews from satisfied customers who have appreciated its user-friendly interface, accuracy, and convenience. According to some users, the app has helped them plan their travels better and save both time and money. They have also praised the app’s ability to provide real-time updates on flight schedules and hotel prices, allowing them to book their trips efficiently. Others have commended the app for its excellent customer support, which they claim offers prompt and helpful responses to any problems or queries they encounter.

One of the users, Mary-Jane, says, “ViewTrail app has been a lifesaver for me. I usually travel a lot for business, and the app has helped me plan my trips efficiently. I love the real-time updates on flight schedules; they save me a lot of time. I’ve never had any issues with the app, and when I needed help with something, the customer support was outstanding. I highly recommend it.”

Negative Reviews

While most users praise the ViewTrail app, some users have aired their dissatisfaction with some of its features. Some users claim that the app’s interface can be buggy and occasionally crashes, leading to lost data. Others have reported experiencing delays in receiving real-time updates on flight schedules, which has led to missed flights and inconveniences. Some users have also criticized the app’s pricing, stating that it is not always the most affordable option for booking flights and hotels.

One user, Jack, said, “I had a terrible experience with the ViewTrail app. It kept crashing every time I tried to book a hotel, and I ended up losing all my booking data. The real-time updates were also delayed, and I ended up missing my connecting flight. Customer support was not helpful either, and it took them a long time to resolve my issues. I wouldn’t recommend the app.”

What Can Be Improved?

One of the common concerns raised by some users is that the app’s interface can be hard to navigate, making it difficult to perform specific tasks. Some users have also suggested that the app should be more affordable, especially when it comes to booking flights and hotels. Others have stated that the app could benefit from additional features, such as integration with social media platforms, allowing users to share their travel experiences with friends and family.

On the other hand, the positive reviews suggest that the app’s customer experience is excellent, and users would like to see the company continue to build on this. Several users would also like the app to incorporate translation tools to allow users to communicate better when traveling to non-English speaking countries.


The ViewTrail app has received mostly positive reviews from users who have appreciated its user-friendly interface, real-time updates, and excellent customer experience. Nonetheless, there are some areas that could be improved, including the app’s affordability, additional features, and translation tools. Overall, the ViewTrail app is an excellent tool for planning your travel itinerary, and we recommend giving it a try.

Comparison of ViewTrail app with other outdoor apps on the market

Comparison of ViewTrail app with other outdoor apps on the market

When it comes to outdoor apps, there are plenty of options on the market. However, not all apps are created equal. ViewTrail stands out from the rest with its unique features and user-friendly interface. Here is a closer look at how ViewTrail compares to other outdoor apps on the market:

1. AllTrails


AllTrails is one of the most popular outdoor apps out there and is well known for its extensive trail database and the ability to create custom trails. However, ViewTrail takes things a step further by incorporating features such as trail conditions, weather reports, and live GPS tracking. This makes ViewTrail a great option for those who want to stay up-to-date on trail conditions and weather before heading out on their hike.

2. The Outbound Collective

The Outbound Collective

The Outbound Collective is another popular outdoor app that focuses on providing users with the best outdoor experiences possible. However, ViewTrail’s focus on user-generated content sets it apart from The Outbound Collective. With ViewTrail, users can share photos, write reviews, and add information about specific trails. This not only helps other users determine whether or not a trail is right for them but also helps build a sense of community around outdoor experiences.

3. Gaia GPS

Gaia GPS

Gaia GPS is a great tool for those who take their outdoor adventures seriously. The app provides advanced features such as offline maps and detailed terrain information. However, ViewTrail offers more social features such as the ability to share trails with friends and family. Additionally, ViewTrail users can easily find nearby trails and connect with other hikers, making it a great option for those who want to explore new areas or meet new people while on their hikes.

4. Hiking Project

Hiking Project

Hiking Project is a relatively new app on the market, but it has quickly gained popularity due to its focus on providing detailed trail information. However, ViewTrail offers additional features such as photos, user reviews, and trail conditions. These features allow hikers to get a better understanding of what to expect on their hike before they hit the trail.

5. Komoot


Komoot is a great app for road cyclists and mountain bikers, but it falls short when it comes to hiking. ViewTrail offers a more robust set of features for hikers, including user reviews, photos, and trail conditions. ViewTrail also includes more social features, allowing users to connect with other hikers, share trails, and build a community around the app.

Overall, ViewTrail offers a unique user experience that sets it apart from other outdoor apps on the market. With a focus on user-generated content and social features, ViewTrail is a great option for those who want to connect with other hikers and stay up-to-date on trail conditions and weather before heading out on their hike.